INSARAG Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting

Publication language
Date published
03 Jun 2010
After action & learning reviews
Response and recovery, Disasters, Urban, Earthquakes
International Search and Rescue Advisory Group


The INSARAG Haiti Earthquake After Action Review Meeting was held in Geneva,
Switzerland on 02-03 June 2010 with more than 110 participants from 36 countries and 12
organizations. The meeting was hosted by the Government of Switzerland and co-organized
by OCHA’s Field Coordination Support Section, in its capacity as the INSARAG Secretariat.
The meeting was chaired by Ambassador Toni Frisch, Chairman of INSARAG. Keynote
presentations were given by Ms. Marie Alta Jean-Baptiste, Director of Civil Protection,
Government of Haiti, Mr. Rudolf Müller, Chief, Emergency Services Branch, OCHA Geneva,
Mr. Rene Carrillo, USAID-ODFA Regional Advisor on behalf of the Chairman of the
INSARAG Americas Regional Group, and Mr. Jesper Lund, Officer-in-Charge of the Field
Coordination Support Section of OCHA Geneva. The list of participants (Annex G) and the
agenda of the meeting are attached (Annex F).