Improving the Provision of Basic Services for the Poor in Fragile Environments: Health Sector International Literature Review

Pavanello, S
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2008
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Funding and donors, Health
The Overseas Development Institute was
commissioned to provide a rapid review of recent
literature on international practice and experience
in supporting pro-poor health service provision in
fragile states, focusing on multilateral and
bilateral donors’ approaches. It was requested
that particular attention be paid to literature
published since the World Bank 2004 World
Development Report Making Services Work for the
Poor (World Bank 2004), a milestone in
international thinking on service delivery. The
overall review consists of three sectoral reports
(health, water/sanitation and education) together
with a Synthesis. This paper constitutes a
literature review of the health sector. The purpose
of the literature review was to inform the Office of
Development Effectiveness’ evaluation of service
delivery and to contribute to a wider effort within
AusAID to better understand donor engagement in
fragile environments.