Impact Report. An analysis of our contribution towards transforming the lives of the world’s poorest children in a selection of WVUK funded projects October 2009-September 2010

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2011
Evaluation reports
Children & youth, Coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, Poverty

WVUK’s mission statement is: To inspire the UK to take action that transforms the lives of the world’s poorest
children. Identifying exactly what transformation has taken place and what our contribution has been is
very challenging. But WVUK is committed to increasing its accountability and this entails transparency to
donors, supporters, peer agencies and, vitally, the people from the communities in which we work with.

This report is another step in WVUK’s journey towards greater accountability and transparency for the
impact of WVUK supported activities. Its objectives are to:

1. Publicly disclose the impact our work (particularly activities in our three thematic areas of child
health, child protection and humanitarian action) is having on the world’s poorest children and
thus enhance our accountability to key stakeholders
2. Enhance our own learning to improve the quality of our programming so that in future our
programmes and policy/advocacy work can contribute to even greater change for the world’s
poorest children. In particular for this first public impact report we look to develop learning
about how to measure and report impact.

Oxford Policy Management Ltd was contracted to review the data collection and analysis methodology
and to ensure third party verification of the findings of the report.