Impact Evaluation: Reinsertation of Ex-Combats in El Salvador

Publication language
Date published
01 Feb 1996
Evaluation reports
Conflict, violence & peace, Protection, human rights & security
El Salvador
Reintegration programming in El Salvador has been implemented through numerous
agencies. CAU holds a contract with USAID in this endeavor. This report is therefore not
an external evaluation. Rather, it is a review of the impact of reinsertion activities to date
and of the changes in demobilized soldiers and their communities that can be attributed to
these activities. n s re view was implemented as a part of CAII's existing contract 5 19-
0394-A-3053-00 for reintegration support to National Police demobilized.
This report summarizes an evaluation conducted in August-December 1995 by Creative
Associates International, Inc. This evaluation was performed as part of the ongoing 5 19-
0394-A-3053-00 project contracted to CAII for the reintegration of National Police
demobilized personnel. CAII drew on in-house expertise in reinsertion programming and in
impact evaluation to fulfill this scope of work.