Humanitarian Exchange 32: The Tsunami Response

Nursey, C. et al.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2005
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Disasters, Tsunamis
India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand
The tsunami response

2 The international tsunami response: showcase or circus?
4 Linking preparedness and performance: the tsunami experience
7 Managing private funds – maintaining a humanitarian perspective
10 Accountability lessons from the tsunami response in India
12 ‘People to People’: an alternative way of delivering humanitarian aid
14 Donor issues in the tsunami response: the view from DFID
16 Cash-based transfers – and alternatives – in tsunami recovery programmes
19 Emergency malaria and dengue fever control: lessons from the tsunami in Aceh
21 Implementing minimum standards for education in emergencies: lessons from Aceh

Practice and policy notes
24 An IHL/ICRC perspective on ‘humanitarian space’
26 International troops, aid workers and local communities: mapping the perceptions gap 29 The development of the International Criminal Court: some implications for humanitarian action
32 Addressing sexual violence in emergencies 34 SMART: a collaborative approach to determining humanitarian needs
36 Using satellite imagery to improve emergency relief
40 Land, housing and property restitution after conflict: principles and practice
43 Real-Time Evaluation: where does its value lie?

46 Katrina and Goliath: why the greatest military and economic power in the world didn’t protect New Orleans