Humanitarian Action 2021 Overview

United Nations Population Fund
Publication language
Date published
06 Dec 2020
Research, reports and studies
COVID-19, Education, Gender, humanitarian action, Humanitarian Principles, Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH), Protection, human rights & security, Social protection

Women do not stop giving birth, and risks of gender-based violence increase during conflicts and disasters. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored existing inequalities and the disproportionate impact of crises on women and girls. In response, UNFPA’s life-saving work is more important than ever. 

The UNFPA Humanitarian Action 2021 Overview highlights the needs and rights of women and adolescent girls in emergencies, which are often overlooked. UNFPA is appealing for $818 million, to reach 54 million women, girls and young people, including 35 million women of reproductive age, 29 million adolescents and young people, and over 4 million pregnant women in 68 countries.

In collaboration with our partners and in solidarity with communities, UNFPA is adapting to evolving needs and innovating, based on data and evidence, to reach those most in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Extraordinary cooperation and resourcefulness in 2020 enabled us to reach more than 7 million women in 53 countries with sexual and reproductive health services, 4.4 million people with family planning supplies and services, and 2.8 million people with services to address gender-based violence.

United Nations Population Fund