How-to Guide: Managing Post-Disaster (Re)-Construction Projects

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2012
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Disasters, Shelter and housing

Humanitarian organizations such as CRS often embark on (re)-construction projects after destructions caused by a natural disaster or due to humanitarian needs created by conflict. This How-to Guide: “Managing Post-Disaster (Re)-Construction Projects” has been developed as a step-by-step management guide for the two main construction modalities; owner-driven (Book B) and contractor-built (Book C) construction projects.
When CRS becomes involved in (re)-construction, the advantage against private sector is created when social mobilization is involved and the (re)-construction project empowers the affected population. “Value is added” in more ways than receiving a structure: livelihoods generation, education, capacity building and disaster risk reduction (DRR) are key considerations to reduce overall vulnerability of the affected population.