Heat Waves, Flood and the Health Impacts of Climate Change: A Prototype Training Workshop for City Officials

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2010
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Environment & climate, Health, Livelihoods, Disasters, Urban


After going through this manual, the learner should be able
- Define key terms and concepts of climate change and
human health
- Describe the effects of climate change on human
- Identify the health impacts of climate extremes
-Explain the link between climate change and
infectious disease
- Determine the approximate magnitude of the
health impacts of climate change
- Explain the interaction between ozone depletion
and greenhouse gas-induced warming
- Describe the effects of climate change on the learner’s
- Analyse the current health situation
-Identify the main climate-related health threats
- Identify vulnerable populations
- Plan public health interventions to address climate
change and its health impacts
- Discuss issues related to monitoring health
impacts of climate change
- Discuss key areas that can be addressed by public
health research
- Describe possible policies and measures to
respond to climate change
How this Manual is Organized

This manual is divided into eleven Sessions.
 Session 1: An overview of climate change and human
health – risks and responses
 Session 2: Health situation in cities
 Session 3: Weather, climate, and climate change
 Session 4: Health impacts of climate extremes
 Session 5: Climate change and infectious diseases
 Session 6: How much disease could climate change cause?
 Session 7: Stratospheric ozone depletion
 Session 8: Monitoring health impacts of climate change
 Session 9: Public health research focus in studying climate change
 Session 10: Assessing community vulnerability and adaptive capacity
 Session 11: Planning public health interventions to
address climate change and its health impacts