Haiti Shelter Sector Assessment - One Year After the Earthquake

Publication language
Date published
01 Apr 2011
Research, reports and studies
Urban, Shelter and housing


The International Housing Coalition’s (IHC) Haiti Shelter Sector Assessment (HSSA) reviews the progress and obstacles facing the recovery of the shelter sector after Haiti’s devastating earthquake on January 12, 2010. The HSSA is based on the prevailing shelter conditions one year after the earthquake. The principal objective of the HSSA is to provide USAID with a broad perspective on support to the shelter recovery process. Recovery from such a devastating earthquake will take many years. Therefore, the Assessment takes a medium to long-term perspective on the process. The assessment identifies critical Haitian shelter sector issues, analyzes their current context and recommends appropriate actions to be taken or facilitated by USAID through its assistance program. The following Executive Summary of the HSSA provides a brief background on Haiti, USAID’s shelter program in Haiti, as well as the five priority recommendations the IHC believes are critical to moving shelter and livelihood reconstruction forward. The Executive Summary then presents the full set of recommendations of the IHC.