Good practices at FAO: experience capitalization for continuous learning

12 pp
Date published
01 Sep 2013
Research, reports and studies
Evidence, Food and nutrition, Organisational Learning and Change

This concept note is a short introduction to the process of documenting and capitalizing on experiences and good practices.

FAO has been tasked by its members to address major global challenges, including population growth, insecurity and crisis, “the large and increasing number of undernourished people in the world, the prospect of rising inequality and problems of access to food by the most vulnerable populations, and the increased scarcity of natural resources worsened by climate change. The situation is further compounded by the volatility in world food prices.”

Besides these global challenges, FAO is striving to ensure disaster risk management and to make the link between emergency, rehabilitation and development activities. Good practices are key in delivering this work. There is growing interest in sharing good practices and lessons learned within FAO and with partners.