Going Against the Flow: Making Organisational Systems Part of the Solution Rather Than Part of the Problem.

David, R. and Mancini, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2003
Research, reports and studies
Organisational, Organisational Learning and Change, Research methodology

Organisational learning, in which leaders and managers give priority to learning as integral to practice, is increasingly recognized as critical to improved performance. ActionAid, DFID and Sida collaborated with the Participation Group at the Institute of Development Studies to explore understandings of learning and to document innovative approaches.

Learning with ActionAid centred on institutionalising a radical organization-wide approach to accountability, learning and planning. The new system prioritises accountability to poor people and partners and so revolutionizes the way the organization does business. The paper by David and Mancini documents the struggle to institutionalize the new system and the extraordinary changes that it has engendered.