Global Protection Cluster 2018 review: centrality of protection in humanitarian action

29 pp
Date published
15 May 2019
After action & learning reviews
Cluster coordination, humanitarian action, Protection, human rights & security
Global Protection Cluster

The GPC selected five countries for its case studies for the 2018 review to gain insight into experiences, best practices and challenges faced in efforts to ensure protection is central to humanitarian action. These are: Afghanistan, South Sudan, Ukraine, Whole of Syria and Yemen.

The main objectives for each case study are to establish an overview of the: a) centrality of protection strategies and activities in each country – including as part of the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), Protection Cluster Strategy and HCT Protection Strategy; b) experiences, best practices and challenges in achieving centrality of protection; and c) the role of the Protection Cluster and other actors (including other clusters, HCT members, authorities, donors etc.) in designing and implementing centrality of protection activities.

The approach builds on the objectives in the GPC’s 2016 and 2017 reviews on the centrality of protection in humanitarian action by aiming to establish a broader overview of how, in practice, collective protection outcomes are implemented by all humanitarian actors.