Global Humanitarian Assistance 2000

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2000
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Food and nutrition, Funding and donors, NGOs

On any day during the last decade, humanitarian organisations were trying to get emergency relief to people in up to 50 places around the globe. More than four million people have been killed in violent con- £ict since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Thirty countries have been affected by complex humanitarian crises. Natural disasters have caused the deaths of over 150,000 people each year. At any point in the 1990s, more than a hundred million people were living lives blighted by con£ict and natural disaster. An average of 35 million people were displaced from their homes. Overwhelmingly, those af- fected by disaster live in developing countries. Many spend each day of their lives struggling with poverty and insecurity.