Gender Impact Analysis: Unconditional Cash Transfers in South Central Somalia

Wasilkowska, K.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2012
After action & learning reviews
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Food and nutrition, Food security, Gender, Shelter and housing

 The Cash Consortium is a group of four NGOs (ACF, Adeso, DRC and Save the Children) that came together in mid-2011 to coordinate their aid response to the huge humanitarian needs
in South Central Somalia. The Cash Consortium has had a clear emergency mandate from the start; the overall aim of the Food Assistance for Vulnerable Households in South Central Somalia
(FAVHSCS) project is to meet basic food and non-food needs, through the provision of unconditional cash grants. Geographic, community-based and vulnerability targeting have been used to identify those most affected by the crisis, giving priority to female-headed households (FHHs).

In 2011-2012, the Cash Consortium has provided between 6 and 9 monthly cash transfers to over 40,000 households in the regions of Hiran, Gedo, Lower Juba and Mogadishu. As markets function well (with essential commodities regularly available throughout the crisis and no evidence of inflation linked to the programme), cash transfer programming (CTP) has proven to be an appropriate way to meet the humanitarian needs of affected populations in South
Central Somalia.