Garissa County drought early warning bulletin for January 2017

Date published
31 Jan 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

Biophysical Indicators

The average vegetation condition index for the county increased from 11.65 to 16.83 but remains within the severe vegetation deficit category.

The current average is below the normal range of >35.

The Sub counties of Balambala, Ijara, Dadaab, and Lagdera are in severe vegetation deficit category of 18.9, 10.88, 15.69, and 13.58 respectively.

The sub counties of Fafi and township are in moderate vegetation deficit category.

Water sources currently in use are boreholes, River Tana and spring, and water trucking.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

66.7% of the livestock population remain in poor body condition, 33.3% progressed to fair body condition.

Milk production recorded was at 11.4 litres and shows slight increase but remains below the normal of 36 litres.

There was no livestock migration reported but large numbers of cattle returned to the county.

The terms of trade recorded improved from 27.5 kg to 42.3 per sale of goat, thus relief for the pastoralist.

The return distance to water sources reduced from 14.5km to 10.7km.

The at risk to malnutrition for children under five reduced from 21.0% to 14.2%.The mid at risk levels reduced from 19.3% to 12.95%, the moderately malnourished decreased from 1.3% to 0.9% and the severely malnourished category reduced to 0.3%.ź