Garissa County drought early warning bulletin for April 2017

Date published
30 Apr 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

Biophysical Indicators
- The average vegetation condition index for the county decreased from 15.1 to 9.2 and fall to the extreme vegetation deficit category.
- The current average is below the normal range of >35.
- The sub counties of township Balambala, Lagdera and Ijara are in severe vegetation deficit category.
- Dadaab and Fafi sub counties are in extreme vegetation condition category.
- Water sources currently in use are boreholes, River Tana and spring, water trucking and few water pans that impounded water.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
- 100% of the livestock population remain in poor body condition, with worst affected being the grazers (sheep and cattle).
- Milk production recorded was at 11 litres which indicate below the normal of 36 litres.
- There was no livestock migration reported.
- The terms of trade recorded at 37.2 kgs of maize per sale of goat.
- The return distance to water sources for livestock decreased from 32km to 24km.
- The at-risk-to-malnutrition for children under five reduced from 37% to 30.5%. The mid at risk levels reduced from 37.0% to 27.7%, the moderately malnourished reduced from 7.0% to 3.7% and the severely malnourished category decreased to 0.8% to 0.1%.