From Basic Needs to the Recovery of Livelihoods: Local Integration of People Displaced by Drought in Ethiopia

Ferrandez, P.C. & Cazabat, C.
Publication language
Date published
29 Mar 2021
Case study
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Internal Displacement, humanitarian action, Livelihoods, Response and recovery
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)

The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) embarked on a new research programme in December 2018 to investigate internal displacement in the context of slow-onset disasters and climate change.1 The following year it examined the drivers of displacement in pastoralist communities of the Somali region of Ethiopia, providing a better understanding of conditions and priorities to support policy and programming for durable solutions.2 This report explores the current situation of internally displaced people (IDPs) three years after the last drought in 2017, looking at the same locations as the research carried out in 2019. It examines local integration efforts carried out through livelihood projects and how these can serve as durable solutions to displacement. Findings are based on qualitative data collected in December 2020 among IDPs and host communities from Warder and Kebridehar woredas, local and regional authorities, UN agencies and NGOs.

Ferrandez, P.C. & Cazabat, C.