Final Independent Evaluation: Emergency Nutrition Programme in Sindh Province

Morán, J. L. À.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2012
Thematic evaluation
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Nutrition, Livelihoods

This final evaluation, covering the period June 2011 - June 2012, aims to assess the overall impact and sustainability of the two Projects founded by ECHO: PEFSA II and MONSOON. It also seeks to determine their relevance, coverage, effectiveness and efficiency and to document best practices and lessons learned. The results are to be used to inform all ACF headquarter (HQ) offices, field level and other organisations, of the progress achieved, in order to guide decision making about future programming, and to contribute to the knowledge in a region with a high severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) prevalence.

The specific objectives of the PEFSA II project were to:

  • Increase purchasing power and income
  • Identify and treat acute malnutrition
  • Improve coherence, knowledge and information on Food Security and Nutrition

The main components of the MONSOON project were:

  • Conditional Cash grants
  • Cash for Work
  • CMAM programme