Final evaluation report of outcome I: sustainable livelihoods opportunities including local economic recovery & social cohesion to enhance community resilience

117 pp
Date published
01 Mar 2019
Impact evaluation
Capacity development, Recovery and Resillience, Syria crisis

The United Nations Development Programme — Syria Country Office commissioned this evaluation in order to appraise its Resilience Building and Early Recovery Programme and provide actionable recommendations to inform the agency's Country Programme. The Country Programme consists of the following intended outcomes:

Outcome 1: Households and communities benefit from sustainable livelihood opportunities, including economic recovery and social inclusion.

Outcome 2: Basic social services and infrastructure restored, improved and sustained to enhance community resilience in Syria.

This evaluation report covers Outcome 1. A separate evaluation of Outcome 2 was also conducted and may be read in parallel to provide a complete appraisal of UNDP's Country Programme. Accordingly, this report employs the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developments Development Assistance Committee criteria to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, sustainability and partnerships of Outcome 1.

This evaluation employed a systems resilience evaluation approach which was merged with the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, a framework which considers the well-being of communities in a system with six different categories of assets or 'capitals' — financial, human, natural, physical, political, and social capitals. Evaluation sources included a nationally representative survey of 1,036 beneficiaries alongside 13 focus group discussions and 18 key informant interviews.