Final evaluation of the project "Reducing the vulnerability of agricultural livelihoods through the Caisses de Résilience approach in the Sahel"

Publication language
Date published
15 Sep 2020
Impact evaluation
Environment & climate, Evaluation-related, Livelihoods, Climate Action (SDG)
Burkina Faso, Mali

The overall objective of the project was to improve the food and nutritional security of vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso and Mali by strengthening the resilience of their livelihoods in the face of climatic hazards. The project contributed to improving the food and nutritional security of the vulnerable populations targeted. Households were trained on agro-sylvo-pastoral practices that are resilient to climate change through the farmer field school (FFS) approach, which has shown its effectiveness in the transfer of knowledge. Thanks to the establishment of Village Savings and Credit Associations (VSLAs), several households have been able to access credit to finance income-generating activities and the VSLA solidarity fund has helped to strengthen the social cohesion of the group. The evaluation found an insufficient analysis of gender and socio-cultural sensitivities which had negative consequences on the participation of women in project activities.