Feeding Cities 2013 - Conference Videos

Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2013
Food and nutrition, Food security, Urban

An international conference examining the critical relationship between urbanization and food security throughout the world held at the University of Pennsylvania, March 13-15, 2013.

Held over three days, conference attendees heard presentations and participated in plenary and focused breakout sessions designed to facilitate a discussion to identify implementable solutions to the fundamental challenge of our modern age: how to provide a sustainable, nutritious and affordable diet to the world’s burgeoning urban populous. More than 60 distinguished speakers and some 450 attendees across the public, private and non-profit sectors were assembled on Penn's campus to advance the conference’s ambitious, though achievable goals:

  • Stimulate constructive dialogue and foster the exchange of knowledge among a diverse group of speakers and attendees and
  • Spur the creation of teaching, research and practice-based coalitions, with participation from both the public and private sectors, dedicated to ensuring a secure, sustainable and equitable food distribution system for the 21st century.

The conference program included keynote presentations from Joan Clos, Executive Director, UN-HABITAT; Yael Lehmann, Executive Director, The Food Trust; Ridwan Kamil, Founder and Principal, Urbane Indonesia; Heather Grady, Vice President, Foundation Initiatives, The Rockefeller Foundation; Professor Barry Popkin, W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor, Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and Drew Becher, President, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) among other prominent leaders from the private sector and academia.