EWB-UK – ELRHA Rapid Research Response Secondment Scheme

Cresswell-Maynard, K.
Publication language
Date published
17 Sep 2007
Research, reports and studies
Capacity development, Partnerships, Development & humanitarian aid, Networks, Organisational, Organisational Learning and Change
Engineers Without Borders UK

The EWB-UK – ELRHA Rapid Research Response Secondment Scheme was proposed as a way of overcoming the lack of communications and general structural barriers of engagement between humanitarian organisations and higher education institutions. The solution was to second PhD researchers with humanitarian organisations to investigate identified research problems. The scheme was piloted for the reporting period of September 2009 – September 2010. From the learning and experience gained throughout the pilot, as detailed in this report, the scheme has highlighted several recommendations for future engagement between humanitarian organisations and academic institutions. The findings have also outlined points that need further discussion before deciding the most appropriate steps to take in the future and tackle this still existing problem.