Evidence brief 6: Monitoring and evaluation

Date published
01 Nov 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Research methodology
Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)

The literature review showed that there is a serious lack of reliable data on education in emergencies (EiE) in hot conflict, protracted crises, and natural disaster contexts. There is consensus in the literature that better data is critical. In hot conflict contexts, the evidence showed the largest data gaps. The review did not find evidence of an approach to data collection that had been tested successfully across different hot conflict contexts. The review found promising practices related to education monitoring and data systems in various protracted crises contexts. However, these interventions have started in recent years and evidence of their effectiveness or impact is not yet available. Very little evidence was found regarding successfully tracking individual children’s educational attainments across borders. Some evidence was found regarding tracking students’ achievements as they move in and out of formal and non-formal education. The review found limited evidence specifically pertaining to data and M&E related to natural disaster contexts.