Evaluation of UNHCR prevention of, and response to, SGBV in Brazil focusing on the population of concern from Venezuela (2017-2018)

Holst-Roness, F., Buitrago, D., Csermak, C., Hanley, T. and Bolognesi, P.
117 pp
Date published
04 Dec 2019
Impact evaluation
Conflict, violence & peace, Forced displacement and migration, Gender, Human Rights, Protection
Brazil, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

This report present the findings of an evaluation of UNHCR’s Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) prevention and response activities for Venezuelan persons of concern in North Brazil from January 2017 to December 2018. The period includes UNHCR’s SGBV response during the initial emergency phase, as well as the role of UNHCR after the federal government took charge of the response in North Brazil (the ‘federalisation’ of the response).

The evaluation covers UNHCR’s SGBV programmes and activities in the State of Roraima, the city of Manaus as well as São Paulo, a city that received Venezuelan refugees as part of the internal relocation programme by the federal government.