Evaluation of Save the Children Sweden’s Support to Partner Organisations

Holmberg, A., Ljungman, C. M., Christoplos, I. and Rothman, J.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2012
Policy evaluation
Capacity development, Children & youth, Equity, Human Rights, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Protection
Lebanon, Philippines
Save the Children

This evaluation has been commissioned by Sida’s Civil Society Unit and concerns two specific programme areas: Child Protection and Child Rights Governance of the International Programme of Save the Children Sweden. These programmes receive Sida funds from the civil society appropriation and are implemented in a large num- ber of countries where Save the Children is operating. The evaluation has analysed programme specific outcomes for the period 2009-2011 through two field studies, in Lebanon and the Philippines, and a meta-study of earlier evaluations from the same period.

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which the International Pro- gramme of Save the Children Sweden has achieved its stated objectives. It also anal- yses the results in relation to the aims of Sweden’s civil society strategy as well as the effectiveness and sustainability of the two programmes. The team has also examined the extent to which Save the Children Sweden and its CSO partners apply child rights-based programming and conflict conscious approaches in their work.