Evaluation of Neighbour in Need-funded Agencies' Response to the Horn of Africa Food Crisis

Abhijit Bhattacharjee
Publication language
Date published
01 Apr 2012
Thematic evaluation
Partnerships, Coordination, Disasters, Drought, Food security, Livelihoods, Targeting, Identification and Profiling
Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia
CARE International

Purpose and Objectives

The size of resources that have been generated by previous and the recent Neighbour in Need campaign require to provide evidence that those funds are used according to the foundation’s charter. Therefore the main purpose of this evaluation is to contribute to Neighbour in Need’s accountability towards its beneficiaries, partners and donors. The objective of this evaluation is to assess and document the capacities and structures of NiN partner organisations that received funding from the current Eastern Africa Appeal. Further it will assess the quality of the NiN funded agencies’ response to the Horn of Africa food crisis in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia in terms of adherence to international recognised standards (e.g. Sphere standards, Code of Conduct) and their own standards and procedures. It will highlight key lessons learned and provide recommendations for improving the emergency response for the remainder of the project duration (if applicable) and for improving emergency response for future humanitarian disasters.

The evaluation is scheduled at this particular point of time which lies within the implementation period of the majority of funded projects. This will enable the evaluator to get a better insight into local structures and cooperation with local partners and stakeholders as some partnerships might be temporary for this particular project.

The target audiences of the evaluation will be the foundation’s executive board as the decision body in order to assume its responsibility of obligatory supervision. Furthermore the evaluation results will enable the Council (Stiftungsrat) which is the advisory body to the executive board about the granting of funds in its future decision process. Beside this the evaluation will make recommendations about the improvement of processes and standards used by NiN partner organisations.