Evaluation of ECHO's interventions in Pakistan 2010-2104

Date published
01 Jan 2016
Policy evaluation
Conflict, violence & peace, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Nutrition, Forced displacement and migration

This independent and summative evaluation focuses on the actions in Pakistan of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) during the period of 2010-2014, and assesses the relevance, appropriateness, effectiveness, coverage, efficiency, connectedness, coherence, coordination and EU Added Value of these actions.

The scope of the evaluation covers the four pillars of DG ECHO’s humanitarian response, which are: 1. Interventions in response to armed conflict; 2. Interventions supporting the protection of Afghan refugees in the protracted refugee-crisis; 3. The nutrition crisis response: a multi-sectoral intervention focusing on the districts most affected by acute child malnutrition; and 4. The response to disasters caused by natural hazards aiming – besides emergency relief – at increasing the preparedness for future strikes of natural hazards and thus the reduction of risks (DRR) and at strengthening the overall resilience of the population, enabling them to better cope with future threats.