Evaluation of ECHO’S 2000 and 2001 Funded Actions in Cambodia: June 24 – August 23, 2002 - Health Report

Schuftan, C. and Mahe, J. P.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2002
Evaluation reports
Conflict, violence & peace, Post-conflict, Health, Psychosocial support

• The evaluators set out to obtain the information needed to improve future ECHO actions in health in Cambodia and to offer an independent opinion of the achievement of expected results in that field, as well as of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of six health projects financed by ECHO in 2001.
• Three priorities were followed :
a) evaluating each project against its own merits and achievements in health as per their respective
b) assessing to what extent partners had made progress to hand-over these projects to long term
development funding organizations, and
c) recommending geographical areas of the country where ECHO should consider a continued
involvement in health in the future.
• In depth reviews were made of documentation at all levels and interviews were held with Echo
Brussels and Cambodia staff, the EU Delegation in P Penh and staff of partner NGOs.
• Field visits to all projects followed.
• Summary evaluation reports for each project are presented as annexes to the Synthesis Report.
• A debriefing was held for most of the partner NGOs (including those not evaluated); details in annex
to the Synthesis Report. The EU Delegation also got a debriefing.