Evaluation of Central America EMOP 6079 - Emergency Food Assistance to Households Affected by Hurricane Mitch

Kirkby, J., Alvarez, E., Rubin, F. and Sandoval, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 1999
World Food Programme
Evaluation reports
Food and nutrition, Health, Disasters, Protection, human rights & security
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua


The mission found that, helped by the existence of in-country stocks of food, mainly from development projects and the presence of a small staff already deployed in the region, WFP was able to respond quickly and effectively to the acute Mitch emergency. Following IRA EMOPs, Regional EMOP 6079, with generous funding from donors, supported the food needs of 1,125,000 people in four countries. Additional WFP staff were seconded or recruited and partners found to deliver food and then to develop a FFW programme which, while continuing to provide food to affected people also supported the reconstruction and rehabilitation of damaged assets.
Each country office modified the Regional EMOP to suit their particular needs and opportunities. The quality of the partner agencies was critical to the success of logistics and the FFW activities. Substantial physical assets were created through FFW. In the PRRO it should be possible also to create long-term social assets.
WFP management of food logistics was efficient and effective. WFP also co-operated with other agencies in supporting the health of affected people.