Emergency Response Capacity (ERC) Consortium – Ethiopia: Building an Evidence Base on Operational Models for the Delivery of CTP

Juillard, H. & Maillard, C.
Publication language
Date published
02 May 2018
Research, reports and studies
Partnerships, Cash-based transfers (CBT), Livelihoods

The Emergency Response Capacity (ERC) Consortium for the Uptake of MPGs is formed by Save the Children, CaLP, Danish Refugee Council, Mercy Corps, and OCHA with ECHO financing. Its primary aim is the improvement of capacity, coordination and evidence for multi-purpose cash grants through the design of collaborative tools and mechanisms to enhance the capacity of agencies to set up and implement multipurpose grants (MPGs) in emergency contexts.

The Consortium also intends to operationalize the MPG toolkit by developing a set of training modules, as well as tools and approaches to be used at situation analysis stage and test those in two pilot countries: Nigeria and Ethiopia. This tool set is composed of a Basic Needs Assessment (BNA) Guidance & Toolbox and a Facilitator’s Guide for Response Options Analysis and Planning (ROAP) led by Save the Children; a Financial Service Providers assessment tool led by Mercy Corps (also known as Delivery Guide);; and M&E tools developed by Danish Refugee Council. In addition, the Consortium

In addition to these Consortium-developed guidance and tools, the Consortium deployed two tools developed by other agencies but relevant to this project: the Multi-sector Market Assessment Companion Guide & Toolkit developed by UNHCR, and the feasibility assessment tools developed by the DfID-funded Cash-Feasibility Consortium (i.e. a partner’s capacity assessment and review of acceptance, safety, and security aspects) which were rolled out by OCHA.

The Ethiopia pilot, examined under this review is the second pilot and was implemented from mid-October 2017 to mid-April 2018.