Emergency Food Security and Recovery Program for the vulnerable people affected by the residual effect of Hurricane Irma in the North-East and Central departments of Haiti

Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2020
Impact evaluation
Cyclone, Food and nutrition, Food security, Recovery and Resillience

The Emergency Food Security Program (EFSP), implemented by World Vision in six communes within the Northeast Department (Fort-Liberté, Carice, Mombin Crochu, Sainte Suzanne, Ferrier and Vallières) and two communes in the Central Department (Cerca-la-Source and Cerca Carvajal), seeks to provide immediate access to food to communities in crisis and emergency situations (IPC 3 and 4) and help communities recover from the residual effects of Hurricane Irma. For over 18 months this program has been implemented with USAID’s financial support, targeting more than 6,700 vulnerable households (33,500 people) who needed help mitigating food insecurity in times of crisis due to reduced harvests and livelihoods. In relation to initial objectives, the program included five main intervention areas: Distribution of food vouchers, Nutrition, Drinking Water Infrastructure, Agriculture, Financial support (Training and S4T). As program interventions have come to an end, the present evaluation was conducted to assess the achievement of the goal, objectives, and outcomes and review the means by which they were achieved. For this work, a double quantitative and qualitative approach was used in collecting the required information for the evaluation. 678 beneficiaries per department and other project stakeholders (project managers, government entities, community leaders, etc.) were interviewed. The quantitative survey was conducted among program beneficiary households and was focused on reviewing their situation using the phase classification indicators in terms of food security, and reviewing the situation of the markets serving these households. The qualitative survey targeted key project stakeholders whose interviews were to be used to validate the initial information collected. In addition to this series of interviews, there are more evaluation questions based on OECD criteria.