Drought response in the health sector in Kenya

Zerhusen, D.
6 pp
Date published
28 Apr 2012
Thematic evaluation
Drought, Health, Non-food, Water, sanitation and hygiene

The BMZ/GIZ-funded project "Drought Response in the Health Sector in Kenya", implemented by Welthungerhilfe, addressing the negative impact of the protracted drought in various areas in Northern and North Eastern Kenya.

The main aim of the intervention in the health sector is to address the immediate need for essential hygiene kits in Dadaab and the supply of water in Tana River, Marsabit and Ukambani (areas of Makueni, Kitui, and Mwingi).

The principal objective of this project is to strengthen and upscale on-going emergency interventions to save lives and enhance the health of families with the provision of water and of basic hygiene kits to mitigate the risks of water-borne diseases in the communities of Dadaab, Marsabit and Tana River County

The project targets a total of 76,000 households (Dadaab 60,000; Marsabit 6,000; Tana River 5,000; and Ukambani 5,000.

The project has a budget of 2,205,132 EUR1 and will be implemented from September 1, 2011 until April 2012 (eight months).