Decision-making and data use landscaping: better data, better decisions

Powell, J., Orton-Vipond, S., Bhatia, V., and Kilroy, A.
33 pp
Date published
25 Mar 2019
Research, reports and studies
Capacity development, Development & humanitarian aid, Leadership and Decisionmaking

The aim of this programme was to promote the use of data to underpin better informed decision making in the Department for International Development (DFID), by:

  • improving how DFID teams manage, access, analyse and use information about their programmes and portfolios;
  • strengthening the integration of internal data with external data on development needs and other development partners’ activities.

This will improve the way in which DFID assesses the impact of programmes at the sectoral level and by country and allow for better informed decisions about future interventions. In line with DFID’s strategy regarding the use of statistics and data analysis, this programme will strengthen the ways in which DFID contributes to the Global Goals and increases its accountability.

During 2017 and 2018, the programme delivered 4 main objectives:

  • A data use and decision-making landscape study to inform the programme through an in-depth understanding of DFID’s potential (and current) data users and their needs.
  • Development of sector and country-specific portfolio analyses to give sector teams and country offices access to relevant and timely data analysis to fit their decision-making needs.
  • Mainstreaming of analyses and data solutions as part of DFID’s core business systems.
  • Continued engagement with key users to encourage uptake of data and analysis, monitoring their use for effective decision making.

The Decision-Making and Data Use Landscaping report examines:

  • key decisions regularly undertaken by DFID staff
  • the process, stakeholders, role of data, and gaps and opportunities for each type of decision
  • barriers to increased used of data for decision-making and needs to enable data use
  • specific recommendations for portfolio analyses

Since the report was produced in 2017, DFID has continued to work with Development Gateway to help put the recommendations into action, including on the development of portfolio analyses for internal use. DFID has also been pleased to support shared learning with other development agencies on improved data use in development.