Common Narrative on the Climate Emergency and Humanitarian Action (IASC 3rd Report on Collective Action)

Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Publication language
Date published
26 Apr 2021
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
humanitarian action, Humanitarian Principles, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Livelihoods, Protection, human rights & security, Climate Action (SDG)

The objective of this common narrative is to facilitate consistent messaging among IASC members during upcoming climate events in 2021. To this end, the common narrative has served as basis for the video submitted by 12 IASC organizations to the Climate Adaptation Summit as a prerecorded side event, which was shared widely via social media by the humanitarian and wider climate community in early 2021.

The common narrative outlines the humanitarian impacts of the climate emergency, including how these affect different vulnerable groups, and different types of needs and sectors. The common narrative also comprises a set of key messages on reducing climate-driven humanitarian needs.

Developed by IASC Results Group 3 on Collective Advocacy.

Inter-Agency Standing Committee