Climate proofing for development: Adapting to climate change.

Hahn, M. and Fröde, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 Nov 2010
Audio-visual material
Environment & climate, Climate Action (SDG)
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Decisions made today will determine the extent of future vulnerability to climate change. Development planners must now take account of the effects of climate change in policies, strategies, projects and local government plans in fields such as agriculture, forestry, urban and infrastructure development. While the need for action in this regard has been clearly recognised in the development community, there is still much debate about how climate change issues should be integrated in practice in development initiatives. At the request of partner institutions in many countries, GTZ on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development has developed an approach named “Climate Proofing for Development”. It is designed to support the integration of climate change impacts as well as awareness of the challenges and opportunities of climate change in development planning on various levels - national, sectoral, local and project.