Children and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: UNICEF's Response in Indonesia (2005-2008) Child Protection

Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2009
Evaluation reports
Children & youth, Disasters, Tsunamis, Protection, human rights & security

In the aftermath of the tsunami, the Child Protection Program in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) focused on registration and reunification of separated children, psychosocial activities, and protection from abuse, violence, and exploitation. These program components were initially implemented through 19 children‘s centers that were established in NAD during the first six months of the emergency response (January-June 2005) and 2 in Nias to facilitate child protection responses.

The evaluation found that rudimentary emergency responses launched in 2005 have evolved into substantial protective systems for children in tsunami-affected areas of NAD in 2008. The emergence of this substantial child protection system is in large part due to early linkage of the dual objectives of responding to immediate needs of vulnerable groups of children and welfare and legal systems-building for all children.