CERF Annual Results Report 2020

Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2020
Research, reports and studies
Local capacity, Development & humanitarian aid, Disability, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Funding and donors, Gender, humanitarian action, Innovation, NGOs, Protection, Recovery and Resillience, Response and recovery

The report provides a detailed account of how CERF and its partners ensured strategic use of a record $542 million during 2019 to deliver the highest priority aid for more than 29 million people affected by humanitarian crises in 49 countries and territories.

This new publication merges the CERF Annual and Results reports, combining information about funding allocated in the past year, and an analysis of results achieved to show how the fund ensured the most efficient use of your humanitarian investments.

The report details how CERF helped kick-start relief efforts immediately when new crises emerged or deteriorated, and how the fund sustained relief operations when no other funding was forthcoming.

It also demonstrates how CERF has helped drive innovation, including anticipatory action, and encouraged the prioritization of women and girls, people with disabilities, education in emergencies, and other aspects of protection.