Assessing the Quality of Reports of Randomized Clinical Trials: Is Blinding Necessary?

Jadad, A. R., Moore, A., Carroll, D., Jenkinson, C., Reynolds, J. M., Gavaghan, D. J. and McQuay, H. J.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 1996
Controlled Clinical Trials
Research methodology

It has been suggested that the quality of clinical trials should be assessed by blinded
raters to limit the risk of introducing bias into meta-analyses and systematic reviews, and
into the peer-review process. There is very little evidence in the literature to substantiate
this. This study describes the development of an instrument to assess the quality of reports
of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in pain research and its use to determine the effect of
rater blinding on the assessments of quality. A multidisciplinary panel of six judges produced
an initial version of the instrument. Fourteen raters from three different backgrounds assessed
the quality of 36 research reports in pain research, selected from three different
samples. Seven were allocated randomly to perform the assessments under blind conditions.
The final version of the instrument included three items. These items were scored consistently
by all the raters regardless of background and could discriminate between reports
from the different samples. Blind assessments produced significantly lower and more consistent
scores than open assessments.