Arab Donorship in Yemen

Haider, H.
Publication language
Date published
04 Dec 2009
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Funding and donors
GSDRC - Governance and Social Development Resource Center
There is limited literature on Arab donorship. This is due in part to insufficient attention paid by the academic and donor community to Arab aid, and also to inadequate sharing of information by Arab donors themselves. Of the resources that do exist, there are none that provide in-depth research, analysis or evaluation on aid to Yemen. As such, this helpdesk research report comprises (i.) brief news articles on aid to Yemen; and (ii.) literature on Arab donorship generally.
Yemen is considered the poorest country in the Arab world; however, levels of ODA per capita in Yemen are substantially lower than the average of the rest of the low-income countries. While the majority of Arab aid is given to Arab countries, much of the literature emphasises that Arab donors give comparatively less to low-income countries than OECD countries and more to lower-middle income countries. Saudi Arabia is the key Arab donor that prioritises aid to Yemen, directly through the Saudi Government and through the Saudi Fund for Development.