Afghanistan: Joint Winterization Strategy 2021/2022

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2021
Plans, policy and strategy
Contingency Planning, Environment & climate, Protection, human rights & security

After over 40 years of continued crisis, Afghanistan remains one of the world's most acute and complex humanitarian emergencies, driven by escalating conflict and natural disasters. These shocks and disruptions have depleted the resilience of displaced, host, and natural disaster affected populations. Even under normal circumstances, it is difficult for households to meet their basic needs. This vulnerability is further exasperated by the harsh winter conditions in Afghanistan, where monthly temperatures can reach as low as -121 degrees centigrade.

Each year, freezing winter temperatures, especially in high altitude locations such as Bamyan, Ghazni, Nuristan, Wardak and Paktya drive the need for provision of life saving winter assistance for the majority of affected persons whose shelters 63 not protect against the cold and who do not have the financial capability to purchase fuel and heaters to supplement their heating requirements.