Addressing Decent Work Deficits in the Tobacco Sector of Zambia and Tanzania Projects (DWiT) - Final cluster evaluation

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2020
Impact evaluation
Livelihoods, Protection, human rights & security, COVID-19
United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Project Background: The DWiT project was initially a one-year strategic engagement designed to address decent work deficits in the tobacco sectors of Zambia and Tanzania. Although the two countries had ratified 8 core ILO conventions, and had made considerable policy and regulatory efforts to promote decent work, the tobacco sector remained with glaring gaps that included: high incidence of household poverty; low mechanization and productivity; gender inequality; poor occupational health and safety practices; low skills and employability of workers; low collective bargaining power and infringement on the workers’ rights and freedoms of association and significantly high prevalence of child and forced labour; all of which contravened the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.