Action Plan for Resilience in Crisis Prone Countries 2013-2020

Publication language
Date published
19 Jun 2013
Plans, policy and strategy
Capacity development, Development & humanitarian aid, Poverty
European Commission

The increasing frequency and intensity of disasters and humanitarian crises results in great suffering and loss of life, posing a major threat to long-term development, growth and poverty reduction, in particular for the poorest and most vulnerable people in developing countries. Crises and shocks worsen already precarious livelihoods and negate opportunities to escape from poverty.

This Action Plan sets out proposals for the way forward on the implementation of the principles and priorities outlined in the Communication and the Council Conclusions. It lays the foundations for more effective EU collaborative action on building resilience, bringing together humanitarian action, long-term development cooperation and on-going political engagement. Its determinant of success will be a reduction in humanitarian needs and more equitable development gains.