A Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation. Booklet 3: How to measure the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation

Landsdown, G. & O'Kane, C.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2014
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Accountability and Participation, Participation, Children & youth, Evaluation-related, Impact assessment, Joint evaluation, Monitoring
Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Malawi, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Zambia
Plan International

This booklet describes why it is important to measure the scope, quality and outcomes of participation, and provides tables to help you do it; the tools that you need are in Booklet 5.

This booklet explains each of these three dimensions in more detail, and includes a series of tables you can use to help you track the nature of participation in the programmes in which you are involved. the tables can be used at the beginning of a new initiative or can be applied to an ongoing programme on a regular basis to enable you to monitor progress over time. The aim is to work with children, staff, volunteers, officials and other stakeholders to assess where you consider your programme fits in each of the tables. this will provide you with a visual overview of the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation and what you need to be monitoring. it should help you determine whether children’s participation is contributing to meeting your objectives, what is working well, and where the programme needs strengthening or developing.