A review of UNHCR Participatory Assessments in 2012

Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2014
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Participation

Between August and December 2013, the Division of International Protection carried out a comprehensive review of the 2012 Participatory Assessments (PAs). This review looked at:

  • The process used in different locations to carry out PAs, in order to identify good practices and lessons learned and make recommendations on how UNHCR can improve the extent to which persons of concern are involved in UNHCR planning and programming;
  • The content of the assessments, in order to identify the most frequently reported concerns; and
  • The outcomes of the assessments in terms of strategic planning, in order to understand the extent to which the findings of PAs are used to inform planning and programming (as captured by Focus).