A Review of the Evaluation in Danida

Lundgren, H. E., Haven North, W and Rist, R. C.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2003
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Evaluation-related, System-wide performance

Danida’s evaluation function has been a subject of debate on a number of occasions. The revival of the debate in the autumn of 2002 about the evaluation function – its independence, quality and utility for various stakeholders – provides an opportunity for an informed discussion. To support this discussion, the Minister for Foreign Affairs decided that a review should be undertaken of the current status of the Evaluation Secretariat. The main focus of the review would be on the independence of the Evaluation Secretariat.
We have been invited by Danida to undertake this review and submit this report for the Minister’s consideration. This review not only addresses the concerns raised about the independence of the Evaluation Secretariat. It also provides the opportunity to undertake a broader assessment with a view to preparing the evaluation function for the challenges ahead.