A Future In The Balance: Lebanon

Publication language
Date published
20 Apr 2016
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities

An entire generation of young people in the Middle East faces unprecedented challenges in an environment of insecurity and poverty, risking losing their untapped potential to hopelessness.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has published a regional research carried out among refugee and local youth across the Middle East showing how complex legal and economic barriers across the region stunt their development. The research is accompanied by a short Lebanon-focused report, highlighting the key challenges faced by refugee youth in the country: access to legal stay, limited access to work and education, as well as pervasive undercurrent of violence affecting their lives in both public and personal spheres.

The research, A Future in the Balance: How Conflict in Syria is Impacting on the Needs, Concerns and Aspirations of Young People Across the Middle East and the accompanying A Future in the Balance: Lebanon, were conducted throughout the final quarter of 2015.