“What happened next?” – Activities undertaken by agencies to strengthen accountability following the HAP deployment to Sri Lanka

Rogers, E.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2010
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Accountability to affected populations (AAP)
Sri Lanka
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International (HAP)

Six months after the HAP deployment to Sri Lanka a follow-up visit was undertaken to
explore the impact of the deployment, and understand progress made in strengthening
accountability with particular focus on the seven agencies who the HAP team had worked
most closely with.

The visit found numerous examples of progress made by agencies aimed at strengthening
their accountability that can be directly attributed to the HAP deployment in 2009. All seven
agencies had conducted activities building on their work with the HAP team, which included
progress aimed at strengthening immediate practice in Menik Farm, and longer-term
approach through the development of policy and guidelines.

Agency staff felt the HAP deployment acted as a catalyst for speeding-up the rate at which
agencies worked to strengthen practice. The learning from this deployment, and the
evidence of impact, reinforces the value of HAP’s emergency work and the deployment of a
HAP team even in complex emergency settings.