The IASC coordination system: Humanitarian country teams, ICCMs and Clusters

4 March 2015
14:45 - 16:15, GMT +1

This session looked at the role of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) coordination structure – the Humanitarian Coordination Teams, Inter-cluster coordination, and Clusters – and asked how successful the system has been over the last decade. An expert panel considered what makes coordination work, what stands in the way, and what the future holds for these structures of coordination.


  • Paul Knox Clarke
    Head of Research and Communications, ALNAP


  • Cyril Ferrand
    Global Food Security Coordinator, FAO
  • Lisa Monaghan
    Protection and Advocacy Advisor, Norwegian Refugee Council South Sudan (NRC)
  • Panos Moumtzis
    Director, Transformative Agenda Implementation Team |  PPT available
  • Julia Steets
    Director, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)
