The fundamental of humanitarian action

14 Sep 2020
09:00 - 17:00, GMT

By attending this open training course, you will know:

  • To provide participants with thorough knowledge of the humanitarian sector and issues at stake.
  • The different categories of actors and their mandates within the sector, how they work together and evolve.
  • The legal and ethical framework, Quality & Accountability (Q&A) initiatives.
  • The essential challenges facing the humanitarian community.


Day 1: Introduction to the humanitarian sector : actors + systems
Days 2 to 4: Introduction to main quality and accountability initiatives : quality initiatives and applications in programme management + accountability and its applications in programme management & International Humanitarian Law, Ethics & Principles
Day 5: Challenges in the humanitarian sector

This training course is for you if you are already working or would like to work as a manager in the humanitarian sector.

mandatory Bachelor’s degree B.A. English language level required: B2 minimum (according to European language levels – Self Assessment Grid)