Humanitarian Supply Chain Management

09:00 - 17:00, GMT

Dates: October 25-29, 2021

Location: Beirut, Lebanon

This training course will cover the role and responsibilities of supply chain in the success of humanitarian program all along the project cycle. Indeed, supply chain management performance is a key success factor for the great majority of humanitarian projects. This training course will focus on the technical and managerial side of the 3 main pillars of humanitarian supply chain which are procurement, stock and transport management.

This training course is for you if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You already work as a logistician and you want to improve your skills in supply chain management
  • You work in project management and you need to better understand supply chain management
  • You are an aid worker and you wish to develop a career in logistics

To have previous experience in humanitarian sector

By attending this open training course, you will understand and apply appropriate approaches and tools to manage humanitarian supply chain. And more specifically, you will know how to:

  • Identify the supply chain role and responsibilities along the project cycle
  • Understand, use and adapt procurement tools and procedures
  • Understand, use and adapt stock management tools
  • Understand, use and adapt transportation management tools

Training course cost: 700€ (accommodation and food are not including). Further information about funding opportunities:

Further information & application:


Bioforce is a unique training and career advisory centre that aims to develop the key skills of those involved in humanitarian and aid programmes. We have been working with major NGOs for more than 35 years, the humanitarian community is involved in creating our training programmes and keeping them cutting-edge. Every year, more than 2500 people get trained or awarded certification with Bioforce.